Archive / Multiplication Table

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Drill and kill? Drill and skill! Drill and thrill!

If you talk to exacting visual artists, if you talk to accomplished athletes, if you talk to professional musicians, if you talk to any executive responsible for selling products through advertising, or if you talk to anyone who has mastered any skill, you won’t hear the slogan:  “drill and kill.”  I only hear that blasphemy […]

Just 21. Our children can do it.

Learning the multiplication table by heart is essential. No matter what fashion of math education the schools are following, we parents ought to make sure that our children learn the 100 multiplication facts by heart. This is very likely best achieved at home. It’s not that difficult. When you consider certain patterns and the easier […]

Memorizing the Multiplication Facts

AniMELov  deserves praise for asking this question at 13 years.  Where was the third grade teacher?   It doesn’t matter at this point.  It’s wonderful that you are learning them now.  There’s lots of math ahead.  I wish you were in my algebra class!  A concerned eighth grader asks