Archive / General Education

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STEM, STEAM, or just learn.

Educational fads are fun to follow, but they mislead. Emotional and mathematical intelligence are necessary ingredients for a balanced life. We get that. Textbook publishers and educational bureaucrats prefer the acronyms of fads. These encourage new textbook updates and special government funding.A How Are You Feeling Today? and an XY Chart on the wall addresses […]

Basic Math At Home

If you see the advantages of presenting the single digit multiplication facts on the Cartesian coordinate system of the X•Y Chart, but don’t wish to display a chart in your home,  you can still use this design to help your child. The suggestions below don’t quite form an algorithm or a recipe, but if you […]

Drill and kill? Drill and skill! Drill and thrill!

If you talk to exacting visual artists, if you talk to accomplished athletes, if you talk to professional musicians, if you talk to any executive responsible for selling products through advertising, or if you talk to anyone who has mastered any skill, you won’t hear the slogan:  “drill and kill.”  I only hear that blasphemy […]